Saturday, May 23, 2009

Museum of Natural History.... What a surprise!!

It was another good experience that I shared with Jessie, Daniel our guide ;-) , Omar.... I have to confess that I was Hysterical inside and wanted to run and jump everywhere like all these kids around me except that I'm 26 years old..... It was the first time in this Museum and I've already decided to go back there with my sister next week!!! I wanted to read everything, to see everything but I definitely need a whole day to fully enjoy this place.
I loved the African room ( don't remember the real name of the rooms.....) with these huge Elephants, the tiggers, Lions... I should think about going to the Zoo ! lol
I loved the room with the whale, sharks,Dolphins, even if I freaked out with when I saw the spiders, disgusting!! 
Well I loved a lot of things so I'm gonna stop there...

I think it's pretty much set up like a movie in a sense that it starts slowly, the scene is set up...Like in one of the room, you enter and you can find some butterflies, crabs of any kind, disgusting spiders.... and then in the middle of the room , you have this monumental whale!! The most interesting part of the room... and then you walk around and discover all the creatures that you can find in a ocean from the prehistorical time until now....
In the movie, you often find the interesting part after a little while which build your interest for the end of the story...

1 comment:

  1. awwww Sabrinaaa! lol i shared a good time with you too, gosh we good at being partners lol Well yeah the spiders was nasty and the roaches too. Oh yeah and i snapped a pic of you and daniel standing in front of the hippos. let me send it to you when i got the time lol
