Saturday, May 23, 2009

Museum of Natural History.... What a surprise!!

It was another good experience that I shared with Jessie, Daniel our guide ;-) , Omar.... I have to confess that I was Hysterical inside and wanted to run and jump everywhere like all these kids around me except that I'm 26 years old..... It was the first time in this Museum and I've already decided to go back there with my sister next week!!! I wanted to read everything, to see everything but I definitely need a whole day to fully enjoy this place.
I loved the African room ( don't remember the real name of the rooms.....) with these huge Elephants, the tiggers, Lions... I should think about going to the Zoo ! lol
I loved the room with the whale, sharks,Dolphins, even if I freaked out with when I saw the spiders, disgusting!! 
Well I loved a lot of things so I'm gonna stop there...

I think it's pretty much set up like a movie in a sense that it starts slowly, the scene is set up...Like in one of the room, you enter and you can find some butterflies, crabs of any kind, disgusting spiders.... and then in the middle of the room , you have this monumental whale!! The most interesting part of the room... and then you walk around and discover all the creatures that you can find in a ocean from the prehistorical time until now....
In the movie, you often find the interesting part after a little while which build your interest for the end of the story...

Lincoln Center: THE Library!!

First time in Lincoln center and I was very impressed and so happy to see Julliard School ( Is that the same in "Save the Last dance" ? just love it!!
I found the library amazing!! You have huge space, it's very modern.
I'm very into Music and this Library is the place to go if you need to do any research about Music! You can find everything about anything!! Just great!

You have also a lot of computers in your disposition in the first and second floor. The library site is very easy and definitely help to find what you like. Everything is clearly classify( Media, Films, Video, Music....).

Well, it was a great day, I will definitely go back and pick some DVD's!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Final Project

I wanna do my final project about something which stroked me when I was in France and That I confirmed since I moved in the US.
Like everybody, I watched the news program almost everyday in France and I've always been very interested about everything going on in the U.S. So I always watched the U.S news as much as possible. After a certain time, I started to notice a slightly difference between what was reported in France and in the US about the same event.
It became pretty obvious when I was in college. Indeed my major was international affair/business; we compared a lot the international news with the national news.
During the same year occurred the invasion in Iraq by the US, and it was a kind of revelation for all my class. When you watched the French news and then the US news about the exact same facts, it was like the reporters were talking about two different affairs!!
Then I started to understand why French people were so against the War and why Americans were pro-War. I guess that if I were American and if all day I always had the US version about the situation in Iraq... I probably would have supported the War as well (... no probably not but I try to understand...).
French news showed different images, different point of view about the War. They criticized all day long the decision of the Bush administration to attack Iraq whereas the US magazines, news programs on TV, newspapers were bombarded by the opposite idea and gave all the elements to justify their attack.

I made the exact conclusion during the conflict Israel/Palestine. The news were driven depending of the Political interests and positions towards these two countries.
It was just clear just in listening to the US news and French news who were politically close with Israel and who were not...

As for me, this particularly event opened my eyes about the power of the Media and how they can manipulate a whole nation.
That's also a reason why I wanted to study Medias to understand and learn how they are organized, who control the Media, who are behind the Media...

The Media should be there to give us the facts and should be more objective. The audience should have their own critical ideas about the facts and make their own opinions.
Unfortunately the Media are such a big part in our life that they control our mind and tell us what to think. It can be pretty damageable sometimes...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I really enjoyed this movie, I think it was funny and I just love Al Pacino!

The whole movie was about "Simone" a beautiful actress who was digitally created by a film maker Victor Taranski. After her first movie, everybody totally fell in love for her without knowing that she was unreal. "Simone" became a huge phenomenon, everybody became just fascinated by her and asked more about her. Victor Taranski is quickly overwhelmed by the success of his creation. He couldn't stop it. He even tried to ruin her career but it didn't work.
He finally decided to "kill her" and was arrested. He tried to explain the police that "Simone" has never existed but nobody wanted to believe it. They are all just crazy about her!

This movie shows how a man can be again the slave of his own creation!! Simone became so real in his head and in people's mind that it was just impossible to reverse the situation and to make people understand that simone was just a simulation!!!
This movie also underlines how people are hungry of celebrities' gossips!! In our society, a lot of people want to enter in the intimate life of the celebrities... they just don't have never enough..

Once again, as in "The Matrix" or "open your eyes", Victor realises that nothing is more worthy than the reality....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The "Uncanny" and the "Shadow"

Sigmund Freud is the most famous psychanalyst, He studied the relation between the soul and the body. He worked as psychiatrist with crazy people and hysterics women .
He believes in the conscious and the subconcious of everyone. He believes also that you could learn about this unconscious of somebody by studying his dreams.
As for him, there are three parts in everyone that he calls Archetypes:
The "Id" based on our unconscious. The Id is our animal part. That's represent the things that we really wanna do, our "Pleasure Principle" without thinking about the consequences. It's the impulsiv part of our mind.
The Super Ego which plays the role of mediator and control our Id.
The Ego is the social person, the reasonable part of us.
He also studied "The Uncanny" which a very complex notion for me!!! That's the scarry or weird impression that we feel sometimes about some situations without knowing why. Or it can be when you have the impression that's something is pretty familiar although it's the first time that you see it.... for Freud that's the result of the relation between our conscious and subconscious.

C.G Jung as Freud's student shares the same ideas about the consicous subconscious and keeps the idea of Archetypes.
Jung's Archetypes are however different.
The Anima represents the female soul. Trinity in the Matrix for instance plays the archetype of the Female
The Animus the masculine soul like Neo .
The shadow is the third archetype and can be compared to the unconscious of Freud.
The shadow gathers all the bad experiences and painful feelings that we experienced in our life.
The shadow is the part of our mind that we want to forget. The risk is that if we ignore it totally, the shadow takes the main personality and can make some people depressiv or crazy!!

Later, Joseph Campbell also mentions the huge part that the Ego plays in our life. That makes us submit to the system. It also compares the Ego with the Dragon that we find in all adventures stories. I like the image of the Dragon who holds us, the dragon who locks us and makes harder the quest of our own " Nirvana"....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Open your eyes...

Well, well , well......... One of the weirdest film I've ever seen.
I have to admit I didn't like this movie that much.
It was a little too much confusion for my little brain!
I couldn't understand if Ceasar was dreaming or if it was the reality, if he really got this accident...
I still don't know who is the real Nuria...?? 

The thing that I was thinking during the movie was that it was the opposite of the matrix
The main quest of Neo is to find the real world and to get out of the matrix.
Ceasar on the other hand wants to escape the real world to live in a dream.

However, "Matrix" and "Open your eyes" have the same end which is to privileged the real world as horrible as it may be.
Ceasar realises that he prefers to live in the reality even if he has to accept his new face. In living a dream, he realised that it happened to be even worst...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Final Project.....

For the final project, I’m thinking about doing a research paper about the media coverage of the Iraq War. It’s not because I’m very interested in this event, but more because I was in France in 2003 and I was surprised to see how the French Media and the US media covered the same event so differently.
Indeed when the war started, I closely watched the news as everybody. It was the main subject at school also. My teachers asked us to watch the international news, more specifically the US news because France and the US were like enemies when U.S decided to declare the war to Iraq.
I wanted to understand why French people were so against this war while American people supported the war.
I finally found out that the information that we were given in France and the images that we saw on TV were quietly different from the one in the US.

I was just thinking about another example: The war between Israel and Palestine, one more time two different point of view in France and Here in the U.S. The U.S were more Pro Israel, and in France we were more on the other side. The Medias are used to support one of these positions. But it shouldn’t be like this. The media should give to the audience an objective view about such horrible events they should communicate the real facts and to cover everything. Instead of picking this image or the other depending on the position of the government.
In taking the Iraq war in example , I want to underline the importance to really have a critical eye on what the medias communicate to us . If in 2003 everybody around the world had watched the same news, maybe the Iraq war would never happened…. For me it’s scary to see how powerful can be the medias and the governments understand and use it very well…It’s not the first time that the Propaganda leads people to support a war….. and not the last time if we still continue to believe everything we see.